Tuesday 11 November 2014

Website Design Special Offer

Expand your business with e-Merchant Digital .

Get your website design  @ as low as Rs 999/-

Enquire now.. http://emerchantdigital.in/eds-festive-offers/

Limited Offer! Call immediately @ 040-23300827

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Smart SEM Services - PPC Campaign Management

Unless you have good PPC knowledge and experience it is not recommended to handle your business PPC campaign by yourself.

Smart SEM Services at e-Merchant Digital focuses on every small factor that can improve your ROI while driving instant sales and leads to your business.

Get a Quote now http://www.emerchantdigital.com/contact-us/

Friday 17 October 2014

Innovative Digital Marketing Services

Digital World is full of opportunities. But your business can cash it and succeed only if you think differently.

e-Merchant Digital's creative digital marketing services work for your business..

Request a quote now  http://www.emerchantdigital.com/contact-us/

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Mobile Site Development - Drive Mobile customers and Sales

Mobile is fast catching up on traditional browsing when it comes to purchase decision-making

Be a Smart Business owner! With Mobile Site Development and Local SEO e-Merchant Digital helps you Go Mobile , Drive mobile customers and sales!

Implementing a Powerful Digital Marketing Strategy

In today’s fast moving digital world, marketers constantly need to enhance their digital marketing plans. Whether it is an email, PPC or social advertising campaign, as the buyer’s exposure increases regularly your small business needs to enhance the game with innovative campaigns. Learn some tips that help you evaluate your digital marketing program

Thursday 25 September 2014

Get Ready for a Digital Journey

India is ready for the red planet journey..! Are you ready for an extensive Digital Journey..?

Take advanced digital marketing course, evolve as an EXPERT Marketer !

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Friday 5 September 2014

Need for a Mobile Friendly Website

With the increasing growth of mobile devices in the recent years, businesses shouldn't no longer afford to ignore mobile websites.

e-Merchant Digital lists out some good reasons why businesses should take advantage of the growing mobile platforms.

Read the full article at http://www.emerchantdigital.com/mobile-friendly-website-why-your-business-needs-one/

Monday 25 August 2014

Importance of an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy

The present and Future of Marketing is Digital. 

e-Merchant Digital illustrates the the importance of an  integrated Digital Marketing Strategy and the need for hiring a full service Digital Marketing Company..

Thursday 14 August 2014

Monday 11 August 2014

Google New PIGEON Update for Local Search

Google rolled out new and  major algorithm update for local search named "Pigeon"..
Find out what “Pigeon” is, how it impacts your rankings and how to adapt your SEO strategy to the on-going changes..

Read @ http://www.emerchantdigital.com/google-rolls-out-new-pigeon-update-watch-out-on-going-local-seo-changes/

Thursday 7 August 2014

Land Your Career in Digital Marketing

Landing your career in Digital Marketing gives you a world of opportunities.

Check out the best digital marketing jobs that enable you to discover inspiring and innovative skills.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Common Landing Page Issues and Solutions [Infographic]

Take a look at the infographic summarizing landing page best practices that maximize your conversions.

With innovative webdesign services e-Merchant Digital helps you create a fast-loading, easy to browse and user friendly landing pages.

Monday 14 July 2014

Importance of Video Marketing [Infographic]

Customers now demand video content on the internet. Video is where your customers are spending time.

With effective video marketing we help you establish a strong video presence in the search engines.

Thursday 10 July 2014

SEO Success Recipe

Building a great SEO strategy is similar to making a good burger. To enjoy the best result you require good ingredients and a step-by-step recipe.

In the recent years, SEO has gone through some major changes.It is essential to find out if you are using a new strategy or not.

Contact e-Merchant Digital for advanced SEO services.Our vision evolves as quickly as Google algorithms.

Friday 27 June 2014

e-Merchant Digital Opens Lucknow Sales Branch

We are delighted to inform about the opening of our sales branch in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. 

For complete press information please visit 

Monday 16 June 2014

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Protect Your Website from the Danger of Negative SEO

When you build a great website for your business, you should develop an effective SEO strategy to boost your keyword rankings and web traffic. However, some of your competitors are likely to harm your site in order to achieve better search visibility than you. When this happens, you will have a battle on your hands.

Here are some tips that can help you protect your website from the risk of negative SEO.

Watch your Back links
Linking hundreds or thousands of poor quality sites to your website is one way to harm your site. When Google looks at this parameter it considers that your website is participating in spam link building techniques and penalizes your site. So it is crucial to audit back link profile and remove the bad links. You should immediately contact the website owners to remove the poor links to your site.

On the other hand if you ignore auditing the link profile, your site is most likely to be hit by penalties. It is also important to obtain good number of high quality links from various sources. Over time this dilutes the bad links and protects your site from negative SEO

Be Proactive
Though you are new to the business world, you should consider buying your domain name immediately. Google gives good score to older websites. If your website is only a week or two old, and has been attacked by negative SEO, it would harm your site in the long run. So the minute you think of online business buy your domain.

That way, even if it takes months to build your site, you will have a site with some value. At the same time sign up for your social media accounts as soon as possible. Besides that, if you have some content, make sure to place it up on the site before you get late. With a proactive approach you can quickly and easily fight back against those who are looking to harm your site.

Make Great Content
A website with high rankings certainly has great content. With perfect content, you need not worry too much about negative SEO. To generate perfect content focus on unique and informative content while considering your target audience. At the same time, ensure your content is search engine friendly to see your pages are doing well on organic search results.

Along with placing great content, blogging regularly can help you score high in SEO and gain more followers. In addition, blogging helps gain visibility for long tail keywords. Furthermore, with frequent posts, you will appear as a recognized site. And you will not have to worry about negative SEO.

To Summarize

While keeping an eye on negative SEO attacks from your competitors you should also focus on your own site. If you build a good number of links from valuable sources, you should not have to worry about one or two negative links. On the other hand, to identify hundreds of negative or spam links, you will have to perform regular audit of your link profile and remove poor links from your profile. Proactive approach helps your website to go a long way in gaining high search visibility.

Leading Digital Marketing Company in India, e-Merchant Digital offers online reputation management and repair services to make sure your business brand has positive impact on your customers.

Monday 12 May 2014

Choosing the Right Web Development Company for your Business

Life is online today. We spend hours browsing and performing various online activities. An impressive website becomes the face of your business and internet gives you a worldwide platform to exhibit your products or services across the globe.

Creating a website enhances your business visibility and revenue generation. What you need is a first class web development company with the right skills to understand your technical requirements. 

Choosing the right firm is essential that combines quality with cost effectiveness. Here are some factors to consider while choosing the web development company for your business.


The web development industry is quickly changing and industry standards are often evolving. So the company’s portfolio will be an important factor to consider that gives you an idea of the type of clients the organization has worked with and the kind of work that they are capable to produce. Examine if their previous styles look attractive and whether they have worked on projects similar to yours. It also pays speaking to the company about the projects that they are presently working on. 

Design and Development Skills

It is important to understand that website development blends various skills and processes. The design process produces the visual and branded elements of your website. This tends to be a totally visual and creative process. The Web development is a process of building a complete interactive web site using a better GUI. This process is more an experimental and technical. Picking the right firm will require you to find the experts who are equally skilled in the design and development.

Turn Around Time

It is often a left out factor when looking for a web design agency. It involves finding a company with excellent project management ability. If you have got an imminent launch date you are going to need assurance that the project will be done to the agreed standard by an agreed deadline.

If the company leaves you in question about their ability to fulfill this, it is possibly worth continuing your search for another.

SEO and Social Media Marketing

Launching a new website is more than design and development process. Make sure that the company you hire also has the knowledge of SEO and online marketing so that you get a SEO friendly and sales or leads generating website.  It is worth looking for a web development company that can offer full range of SEO and social media and marketing services to help you get the new site with a flying start.

To Conclude

An effective website with good features will have a strong base in the online market. It is like an authority that holds your business and earns you good returns. If you desire for an everlasting presence on the web, make a wise choice to hire the web development company which has years of experience in the industry and clear understanding of your goals and end users expectations.